
What is Churn?

A common revenue model for SaaS (Software as a service) companies is to charge a monthly subscription fee for access to their product. Frequently, these companies aim to continually increase the number of users paying for their product. One metric that is helpful for this goal is churn rate.

Churn rate is the percent of subscribers that have canceled within a certain period, usually a month. For a user base to grow, the churn rate must be less than the new subscriber rate for the same period.

To calculate the churn rate, we only will be considering users who are subscribed at the beginning of the month. The churn rate is the number of these users who cancel during the month divided by the total number:

For example, suppose you were analyzing data for a monthly video streaming service called CodeFlix. At the beginning of February, CodeFlix has 1,000 customers. In February, 250 of these customers cancel. The churn rate for February would be:

250 / 1000 = 25% churn rate

WITH months AS
  '2017-01-01' as first_day,
  '2017-01-31' as last_day
  '2017-02-01' as first_day,
  '2017-02-28' as last_day
  '2017-03-01' as first_day,
  '2017-03-31' as last_day
cross_join AS
FROM subscriptions
CROSS JOIN months),
status AS
(SELECT id, first_day as month,
  WHEN (subscription_start < first_day)
    AND (
      subscription_end > first_day
      OR subscription_end IS NULL
    ) THEN 1
  ELSE 0
END as is_active,
  WHEN subscription_end BETWEEN first_day AND last_day THEN 1
  ELSE 0
END as is_canceled
FROM cross_join),
status_aggregate AS
  SUM(is_active) as active,
  SUM(is_canceled) as canceled
FROM status
GROUP BY month)e
    1.0 * canceled/active AS churn_rate
  FROM status_aggregate