👁️‍🗨️ 1. Measure ROI with Datagran

🤑 2. Measure your first and last click attribution models with Datagran

🎱 3. Know where your customers come from to your website (Webpixel)

🎱 4. Know where your customers come from, to your app.

💙 5. Combine Facebook Data with Sales data using a Google Sheets integration.

👁️‍🗨️ 1. Measure ROI with Datagran


I want to know how efficient are my Facebook ad (leads) campaigns for sales.

How it can be done with Datagran:

Create charts with SQL queries or filters. Basically, you have the tools necessary to create any type of chart because our technology is completely flexible.

How can you actually do this:

First of all, you must have sales data integrated into your Datagran account and you must upload the data from leads to Datagran. Once the data sources are integrated, go to the charts section and select the datasets on the right side; next step, write the SQL code that allows you to make the cross-relation between Facebook leads and sales data.

If you don't have advanced knowledge in SQL, go to the show editor button, and our editor will help you create an SQL code without the need to know how to code .

Finally, once the SQL code has been written, or it has been done through the editor, click on run query to visualize the information with different chart options we have made available. In this case we recommend using the custom funnel action to visualize and analyze the outcome.


It is very important to have a key between both data sources to be able to perform a match. In this case, the email or the cliente name.


A chart with the information that you want to visualize and analyze.
