What is needed to configure an integration?

In order to be able to use Shopify integrations, the first things to do are to:

  1. Know which domain is to be working with (e.g. my-awesome-store.myshopify.com).
  2. Have a Shopify user enabled in that domain, able to perform OAuth connections to Shopify OAuth applications.
  3. When setting up an integration's configuration on creation, ensure to do both of these in this order:
    1. Populate the appropriate subdomain (this, in the "shop name" text box suffixed by myshopify.com).
    2. Populate the "account" field with an appropriate OAuth2 account (this is done by selecting an existing Shopify OAuth account in the workspace, or creating a new one by completing a Shopify OAuth2 handshake).

Is there any limitation on streams and data types?

Shopify integrations are intrinsically related to the Shopify API and thus have a defined set of streams that can be accessed (each with a fixed structure).

This said, the following streams are available in the system to be selected: